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We are an web design and development
agency based in Romania, Bucharest

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Building custom web applications that work seamlessly on every device

When we develop web applications we take great care not to neglect any customers. We take in consideration every resolution and device and optimize every pixel so that the browsing experience is comfortable and safe.

We do this by testing the applications on different types of devices (computers, laptops, tablets, phones) and by testing on different browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) or operating systems (iOS, Android). At the same time, we follow the web technical recommendations imposed by search engines and we take into account the performance scores indicated by PageSpeed Insights

See our workflow
Fast response times and fluid navigation
Low footprint and low energy consumption
Applying the latest and greatest design patterns

Creating apps with performance, scalability and efficiency in mind

We support the proof-of-concept method for testing the feasibility of projects. In order to put into practice the demonstrated projects and concepts, we take important measures for scaling the application by following the 3 pillars of development: performance, efficiency and scalability. These measures are designed and implemented so that the applications do not suffer from deficiencies in the established performance and efficiency indicators.

See our workflow

Our tech stack

These are the tools that we work the most with and that we are the most productive. The list can grow on special requests or demands.

Programming language
C # is a programming language created in 2000 by Microsoft's Mads Torgersen and is one of the most powerful, secure, and complete programming languages in the world.

We use this language to create back-end applications where performance and scalability play a critical role in their efficient functionality.
.NET is a free, open-source, cross-platform operating system that can compile C# code and other languages in machine language. Provides all the tools, libraries, and files you need to build applications for all domains.

We consider .NET to be one of the best frameworks in 2024.
SQL Server
SQL Server
Database server
Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database server (RDBMS) created by Microsoft. The query language is SQL and the procedural extension is T-SQL.

Among the world's best relational database servers, SQL Server can store hundreds of millions of data with high read / write performance.
Programming language
JavaScript is the most widely used programming language in the world. It was originally developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape Communications Corporation in 1995.

JavaScript is an extremely powerful language and we use it consistently in both front-web and web applications. back-end, especially with frameworks such as Node.js, Vue.Js or Express.js.
JavaScript Runtime
Node.JS is a framework built by Ryan Dahl in 2010. It is open-source, cross-platform, and is primarily used as a running system for the JavaScript programming language. It is extremely fast, takes up very little disk space and consumes little RAM.

We use this intense in front-end apps for running Vue.JS, React or Angular frameworks.
JavaScript Framework
Vue.JS is a JavaScript framework built by Evan You in 2013. It is open source and the number one choice when it comes to interactive web applications.

With this framework, we can build extremely fast web applications, complex and interactive. Vue.JS has quickly become one of the most beloved JavaScript frameworks in the world.